- Život v komunite, Aktivity pre deti, Vzdelávanie a osobný rozvoj, Oddych a turistika, Tradície a história, Prírodné a tradičné staviteľstvo, Permakultúra a poľnohospodárstvo, Ochrana prírody a krajiny, Kultúra a umenie, Miestna ekonomika
Zajezka Community
New inhabitants of Zajezova valley and places in its close neighbourhood have brought new life into dying out small village. People join efforts to improve quality of life here, to prevent problems, which caused depolpulation in second half of 20th century. They organize common work on public projects (bus stop reparation, waste collection, tree planting, playground making etc.), informal parties and bigger seasonal celebrations, common holidays and weekend trips of families, local activism (nature protection, waste issues,...) and so on.